Our comprehensive executive assessment process encompasses:
Assessment tools
Our assessment toolbox includes sophisticated psychometric tests, insightful personality assessments, thoughtful self-reflection questionnaires, cognitive ability tests, and comprehensive 360-degree feedback. The multifaceted insights these assessments offer reveal an individual's strengths, weaknesses, distinctive personality traits, and leadership style.
Executives participate in a variety of simulations that emulate real-life work scenarios. These simulations can encompass exercises such as group discussions, case studies, business simulations, role-plays, and presentations. Simulations offer insight into an executive's decision-making abilities, problem-solving skills, communication style, and strategic thinking.
In-depth interviews
Our in-depth one-on-one interviews are designed to uncover the rich tapestry of an executive's background, experiences, career aspirations, and leadership philosophy. These personalized conversations enable our skilled assessors to gather extra information and acquire a more finely tuned comprehension of the executive's proficiencies and potential.
Leadership exercises
We immerse executives in meticulously designed leadership exercises that demand them to confront unique challenges and showcase their capacity to guide and inspire others. These exercises may encompass conflict resolution scenarios or delve into the realm of strategic planning.
Multiple assessors
Our team of assessors, which includes psychologists, HR professionals, and senior executives, meticulously evaluates the performance of each executive candidate. The involvement of multiple experts guarantees a comprehensive and impartial appraisal of every individual's strengths and weaknesses, all while upholding the gold standard of professionalism you expect.
Feedback and development
Following the assessment center, detailed feedback is provided to the executives, highlighting their performance, areas of improvement, and development opportunities. This feedback helps individuals gain insights into their leadership capabilities and enables them to create personalized development plans.
Our proven Fit-for-Purpose assessment framework provides you with the confidence and data you need to make well-informed decisions, ultimately leading your organization to sustained success.